The next steps... a restart.
Hi everyone, I am a male over 40 who was up to 330lbs March 28th 2023. Got down to 284lbs but went back up to 294lbs over January and February. Decided to do a review and change around my macros and looking to get back on track! Going to push to 240lbs by Dec 31 2024. Looking for some active friends to join my journey and…
Garmin watch for tracking?
Hi everyone, I have been considering getting a Garmin watch to replace my fitbit bit but I have a couple questions. If you have a garmin watch, how has it been for tracking your running and other fitness activities? Have you had issues connecting it to my fitness pal? How has your watch held up? I am a heavy equipment…
Have hit a plateau
Hi everyone, I recently restarted my weight lose journey after starting a new job a couple months ago. Been doing well but seem to have hit a plateau and have really slowed down. Looking for some advice on getting over this slow down. Also active friends to keep me on the straight and narrow. My goal is 280lbs or less by…
Stretching... where can I start?
Hi everyone, I am restarting my weight lose journey and a new job this coming week. Wondering if anyone has some pointers for full body stretches? I would like to start my day stretching so I lessen my risk of injury to my body, since it is a physically demanding job. Also looking for friends to help keep me accountable.
Looking for new friends to help keep me motivated. Lost focus with covid and my father's death, looking to get back on track and get down to a healthy weight for my kids and myself. Let get healthy together!
New to the app.
Hi everyone, I was recommended to use this app by my dietitian to better track my progress. Coming up on the great 40 in a couple years, and wanting to get back in shape before it gets harder. Also so my kids stop complaining dad is too fat to run... Always struggled with my weight, due to our extreme cold climate in…