2020 was overall begin with a pretty tough start and continued on destructively. But while this year seemed especially hard, I’m sure there were silver linings for everyone. Instead of thinking on the sad things, let’s bring the happy memories. What good thing happened for you in 2020 ?
It’s what the title says. What is the best and worst Christmas gift you have received? For me, Best gift: Travelling tickets and arrangements for HP Studios in London. Worst gift: A child book that I’ve already had and re-read it multiple times. ( the worst thing about that for me was pretending that I liked it lol )
The scales has been always a source of emotional distress and trauma for me. I really have this anxiety that when I step on the scale I'm not gonna lose enough weight or something. And it's so silly because I know I'm doing all I can to lose weight and I know there will be only good results on the scale but I can't stop…
Hi! I'm new here. I wanted to introduce myself and have a chance to interact with people who have the same interest and goals as me with losing weight. About my losing weight journey, well I've tried to lose weight before, lost it and then gained it back again. I was really like going back and forth with that about 2 years…