It’s time to loose weight! I use to have an amazing before and after I was proud to show off. I have gained 30 pounds since then. What really hit was when tonight I tried on my bridesmaid dress and just wanted to cry. I’m going to be in a friends wedding next Saturday and I’m dreading it. She picked the infinity dress for…
Hey so I’m new to this and my life is hectic most of time I’m going non stop. I was wondering what would be easy, quick and SIMPLE to have for lunches/supper.
For some reason when I have chicken thawed out I dread cooking supper. It’s been like this for weeks. If it’s beef I have no problem. Anybody else? Or just me lol
So guys might just want just keep on scrolling.. To start off I have had my period for almost18 years now so I get the concept and all of that mess. So I’m on my period now and I feel hungry all the time and I have been eating bigger portions plus I don’t have any energy and once 1:00pm hits I’m ready for a nap.. On my…
Hey y’all I’m new to MyFitnessPal and I’m ready to loose this weight. I have started a program though to try to help me. I would love some friends to help me and hold me accountable.