Greetings Team STRONG: Tomorrow is Session 4 of our I Am Strong Healthy Lifestyles program. I have a few questions for you: • How’s the food prep going? • Are you staying accountable to your squad? • Are you striving to include some form of exercise 3-4 times per week? This is about the time—when things get serious—that…
Greetings Team STRONG! Are you feeling a little sore from Tuesday’s workout? That’s normal. And it’s a GOOD sign that your muscles are doing what they are supposed to be doing. When you do resistance training exercises like we did on Tuesday (using hand weights, body weight, or gravity in exercise), what you actual do is…
Hey there. As promised, here is the Team Contact list broken up by Squads. Let me know if you have any issue opening or downloading it. Kim
Hey Team! Here is the article I mentioned Tuesday night. Please read, meditate on the scriptures, and share your insights or thoughts with your squad. You are also welcome to share them here. Kim
Remember the 5 FOCUSES we have for Week 1:* Daily time with God – Using “S” article posted in Group Discussion Board * Sleep: 7-8 hours * # of steps – log them in MFP * Log meals and water intake in MFP * Daily contact with your squad Share your challenges and successes with these with your squad or here in the discussion.…