Hi Married couple in our mid 50’s. I m a little overweight and my wife more than me. We have a hard time sticking to what we say when we decide to eat better. How do you find the willpower? I have more willpower than my wife but still not enough. She wants us to go on nutrisystem but I haven’t had the time to look into it…
Hi I have been through 3 scales and am unhappy. Upon weighting myself, either the weight will change drastically as I am on the scale or I step on and off I get a different weight every time. 2 were digital and 1 analog. I m willing to spend up to $150 if worth it. I would prefer digital. Yes I have been on Amazon and read…
Hi Me and my wife are tired of being overweight. We are not on a strict diet yet but eating much much better. I started at 215 lb for a 5’6 shorty that I am and am down to 190-195. My wife won’t tell me her progress or not 😂 My goal is 175lb Thanks Pat and Kris