Bring your worst, or best. Here’s one to get things going… I was walking down the street the other day and was hit by a violin, a trumpet and a flute. I have reason to believe it was an orchestrated attack.😐
Yes or no. What’s better?
Ever notice fitness influencers will say one thing then another says the opposite? “Lift heavy” “Lift light” “100 push-ups a day are good” “100 push-ups a day are bad” What have you noticed?
What are your best body weight resistance exercises? And how many do you do of each?
I’m not seeing anywhere an “add friend” button or anything. Show me how and anyone that responds to this post I’ll add as a friend. Let’s be friends! 😁
If life gives you lemons, make lemon aid. But if life gives you melons, you might be dyslexic.
Two hunters came across some tracks while out deer hunting. One said “These are elk tracks!” The other one said “Nope! These here are antelope tracks!” While they were arguing, a train ran over them.