Hi Im in Hialeah, FL Its a bit late but I wanted to know if anyone is attending or going to attend the mud race obstacle course on March 30, 2013 at Amelia Earhart Park. online registration is closed but you may register on Friday or sat. I am registered for the 11:20am wave I am in no way prepared to do all the obstacles…
just curious, and i also need ideas ive been pigging out at night.
I get chicken season it throw it in a pot and let it cook, the last 2 nights, once for an hour and once for half an hour high heat. (mixed with veggies). they both were lacking taste or something. this only happens with chicken breast. when i do drumsticks comes out delicious. or anything with a bone. I usually bake my…
one month and only 2 pounds lost? WTF Ive been working out hard for at least more then a month. Im surely to have lost atleast 3 pounds. I have done 0 weight training until yesterday. I highly DOUBT ive gained muscle in one day. I should have taken my measurements. I notice SOOOOOMETHING slimmer, but i guess its not my…
Is it bad that i ate my lunch (chicken in tomatoe sauce) at 7 am??? I didnt feel like eating my oatmeal. I will eat it for lunch though. Has anyone had any problems with eating dinner for breakfast or vise versa