Has anyone had a doctor tell them to not worry about calories so much and count something else? I have been struggling to lose weight and my doctor thinks that part of it is that I crave salty foods so much. I eat a lot of low calorie but high sodium foods. She told me not to worry about calories as much and instead to set…
Does anyone else eat a small breakfast and small evening meal but a big lunch? I am doing the slim fast shakes for breakfast. I want to go with salad or something light for supper but my lunch offerings seem to be a heavier meal. I am just wondering if this works for anyone else. The advantage that I can see is that I am…
I love my mother very much. And I understand that for the time being I am under her roof again and at the mercy of her cooking. It was not my intention to get a divorce and need my parents help again. Nor was it my intention to be diagnosed with cancer shortly after my divorce and need my parents for 24 hour help with my…
I have been walking my dogs twice a day, mowing my yard and the rental yards as much as possible, and doing activity groups at work. Yesteday I threw my back out. I called the doctor because I was in serious pain and she CHEWED ME OUT for doing too much. She says I cant go from a sedentary lifestyle to that much activity…
Ok, here I am on day one. I have to lose 20-30 pounds by Sept 20th in order to avoid gastric bypass surgery. I am currently 40 years old, 5'6' tall and weighed 265 in doctor's office yesterday. 268 lbs on my WII at home. My weight is causing all kinds of problems with health including: Diabetes, high blood pressure, chest…