Subway - Build your own Sub nutritional info
Hey all, Sorry if this has been posted before but does anyone have the link for creating your own subway sandwich to get the nutritional info? Thanks Jen xx
Ab Circle Pro - intrigued!
Hey all, I was just wondering if anyone out there has used the Ab Circle Pro. I saw an infomercial for it this morning and it looked soooo easy lol!
Dropping a dress size?
Hey all, My weight-loss to date is a total of 18.6lbs. My question is does anyone know how much I need to lose to drop a dress size? I started at 215.6lbs and am currently 197lbs and am still in a UK size 18. I can pull a 16 pants up but am no where near able to close it yet. 18's are ridculously baggy on me now, near…
I've made it to Onderland
I started this journey at 215.6lbs just over 4 weeks ago - weight as of this morning 199.2lbs. 16.4lbs gone forever YEY :)
I'm not giving up this time
Howdy all, I'm Jen :) So I stepped on the scales last Sunday morning and was shocked to discover I was back up to a whopping 214.8lbs. Around 2 years ago I got down to 180 from 221.6 in just under 4 months. I maintained for a while but then it slowly started to creep back on until I found myself avoiding the scales,…