I'm not giving up this time

Jeni322 Posts: 63 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Howdy all, I'm Jen :)

So I stepped on the scales last Sunday morning and was shocked to discover I was back up to a whopping 214.8lbs. Around 2 years ago I got down to 180 from 221.6 in just under 4 months. I maintained for a while but then it slowly started to creep back on until I found myself avoiding the scales, mirrors and my reflection in any window etc trying to ignore what was happening instead of doing something about it.

So here I am. I've always had amazing first weeks when I start dieting and exercising and my current weight as of this morning is at 208.8 so I reckon by Sunday I'll have lost 1/2 a stone in my first week.

After this week I hope to lose 1 - 2lbs weekly thereafter. And this time I'm going to remember that once I lose the weight I still need to work hard to keep it off. I need to realise this is a neverending journey, make my peace with it and get on with my life instead of hiding away all the time.

Well, sorry for ranting on and if you've read all that then thank you :)


  • You can do it and we've got your back! Enjoy your journey...
  • Glad to hear it we are all here for you, my story is very similar. I just started over too.
  • last10
    last10 Posts: 1
    Hi all - I'm Val and I lost 35 pounds 5 years ago, and like Jen have slowly allowed some of it to creep back on. Portion size is my big problem. I am a healthy eater :) but I need to scale it back and I will finally get rid of these 10 pounds that have inched back on.

    Rant away Jen, talking about your goals is a good way to solidify them, writing them down and telling people make them real and make you accountable.

    I will lose these 10 pounds by summer - I am going to lose 1 pound a week - and I am going to be smart and keep them off.
  • cfischer81
    cfischer81 Posts: 111 Member
    Hi Jen! Welcome to MFP! I did about the same thing you were describing! About 2 years ago I lost about 30 pounds and then slowly watched it all creep back on. I was so mad at myself! In the last 3 1/2 months I have gotten that weight back off and hope to continue and finally, once and for all, reach my goal weight!

    I wish you tons of success!
  • Jeni322
    Jeni322 Posts: 63 Member
    Thanks for the support guys :) I really appreciate it. Hopefully I can support you all right back!
  • lcouterm
    lcouterm Posts: 138 Member
    I'm also like you I loose, then gain (i'm weak) but this site has been keeping me on track and i'm hoping to be able to keep it down this time (although, I keep telling myself that)
  • Coolbean
    Coolbean Posts: 3 Member
    I did the very same thing!! I restarted my journey yesterday but I know I'm going to need help to get it off and keep it off this time.
    Last year at this time I started and by August I had lost over 30 lbs. The bad part is I gained 16 pounds back over the winter and I can't believe I let myself do it. I know I need a support qroup but I live in a really rural area and getting together with like minded people requires alot of travel. I am hoping to be able to really connnect with some of my fitness pals and get and give some support to be able to lose the weight once and for all.
  • Jeni322
    Jeni322 Posts: 63 Member
    My goodness, I've gone from 214.8 to 206.6 in a week? I've walked the legs of myself and have done 13 hours walking since last Sunday and it seems it's paying off!

    8.2lbs gone! I usually lose 4 or 5 in the first week so this is impressive for me.

    I know I'll probably slip back to a lb or 2 a week from now on but this is fine with me! I just can't wait to see this weight drop off and i'm in this for the long haul!

    I'm getting my hair done as a treat once I've the first 14lbs gone! Looking forward to that
  • MamaJess
    MamaJess Posts: 181 Member
    we are new here too. I was here once before but my fiance and I are here together this time. We both weigh 225 pounds. and seriously need to lose some of it.
  • hello, i joined over a week ago and i already lost 5 pounds. just put your mind to it and you will succeed.
  • Jeni322
    Jeni322 Posts: 63 Member
    Brian & Jessica, how nice that you have eachother for support :) Best of luck on your journey

    Bowlerchick, that's a fantastic start, well done! Thanks for stopping by.

    Just back from another walk, my poor dog is exhausted and asleep on the floor, she loves all the extra exercise lol!
  • Jeni322
    Jeni322 Posts: 63 Member
    206lbs this morning. It's so nice to see a little drop every day still. I soooo can't wait to get to Onederland again, it's been too long lol!
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