I can't seem to let this one go and I drink a lot of coffee! I am going through a huge jug of this a week which is a lot of cals. I tried a sugar free variant and it tasted horrible. Somebody else must have this affinity for french vanilla creamer, if so what is to be done? Thanks!
So my diet is great, I am a devout juicer in the AM and lunch and have chicken and veggies for dinner every night. It's after dinner the chocolate craving hits me incredibly hard. I literally got out of bed on two separate occasions last night and drove to the gas station to get 4 bags in total of peanut butter M&Ms. I…
Does myfitnesspal iphone app integrate with walkmeter or any other iphone pedometer apps? Thanks!
This is the first time I have attempted to honestly try and shed some poundage and I am finding myself in a bit of a quandary when at the local Vons/TJ's. I like to cook but it's hard to make a big meal for yourself every night and eating out normally results in caloric overload. Does anybody know of a good site or have…
Hello all, Just got started on this site and I must say I am impressed. I will post an intro later today (: I have a serious pension for sweets especially those of the chocolate variety. The worst is in the middle of the night, I will wake up and take out everything and anything sweet and tasty in site! Does anybody have a…
Wow! This site and the associated Iphone app are truly incredible. I also found a great walking app and web site for exercise. I am curious what other tools/sites people are using? I am a big techie and the tools I am finding to be invaluable. Thanks!