After years of being overweight, struggling with my own body image; hating the way I look and feeling hopeless, I finally got it. Years ago, I read one of Dr. Phil's books. In it he said, "Once you figure out what you have to gain by being overweight, you will begin to lose the weight.” His instructions were to put the…
We all know the reasons why we want to lose weight. Some reasons are easy, look better, feel better, be healthy. Knowing what you want can take us a long way. Take a moment, and lets do some soul searching. Deep down, inside your heart, if you dared to dream, what do you truly want? Do you know? What is the most important…
Hi, my name is Judy and I'm 48 and desparately overweight! I started dieting 6 weeks ago at 269 lbs and I am all in for this diet. This website makes it so easy to keep track of everything, I am loving it. I am a truck driver and I have gain a ton of weight in the past few years. I look around at the truck stops and see…