

  • What would happen if ran with traffic? If I were riding, I think I would just go around you... I would suggest doing to the cyclists what they do to cars that get too close... and that is kick them... ha ha! but, since you are probably going to see the same people every day, I think that would be a bad choice. In Florida,…
  • Never give up, or you will be right back to having to lose a lot of weight over and over, and you might just wreck your health! Listen, here's something I learned about myself and I'm sure it's true for a lot of people. I am a chronic over eater. If I continue to over eat and I don't change my ways I will just get fatter…
  • Well the few that I have seen for women are geared more towards fitness (aka small toned muscles and overall ripped). But to deliver a kick-*kitten* punch and to take a punch I would recommend strength training/weight lifting and calistenics for core strength. In the end, it's all up to you. You decide what works for you!…
  • Good for you finding the gym. I think I would not pay attention to any routines that are for "girls" since you are doing kickboxing and other sports. Women routines are usually geared more towards lighter weights and higher reps. I found some great routines on youtube.com. Maybe you will see something you like.
  • It's true our bodies become much more efficient at cooling the body the more ofter we exert ourselves.
  • Jer, I totally agree! I have lost 60-70 lbs 3 times in my life and it always eventually comes back. Oddly enough, my eating habits go back to normal at the same time I am gaining weight! Hmmmm, you'd think I would have figured this out earlier in my life, but I think I was trying to ignore it!. How silly! Truth is that I…
  • Ellen, welcome to MFP. If you want more replys and friends add a pic to your profile! Then when you post, put in some personal information about yourself and who you are looking to make friends with. It's very common for people to make friends who have similar goals and starting weights. Not always, but sometimes. I didn't…
  • Welcome to MFP! I love this site and you will too! to add friends all you do is click on their name. That takes you to their profile. Next to their picture you will see a couple buttons. "Send Message" and "Add Friend". Click on Add Friend and send a quick message and they will accept on their end. Then they will show up…
  • Carolina, You've come to the right place! There are lots a great supportive people on the site to cheer you on and guide you. I have 100 lbs to lose too. I have only been on here for 35 days but I've lost 16 lbs so far. I get inspiration from the friends I have met on here. When I look at their food diary, or exercise log…
  • I do too, especially when it's pizza, or steak or fudgie bars!
  • I'm so glad you spoke up! What a jerk! You told him right, and karma will be his, because if he is like that to perfect strangers, just imagine how he treats his friends and relatives. But, don't let him affect you. You are a beautiful person and deserve to be fit and happy and you have all of us here supporting you, and I…
  • I am a truck driver and I drive midnight to 11 am 6 days a week for 6 weeks at a time, then I have 2 weeks off. I do have breakfast around 1:30 am, a snack around 6 am, and my lunch at 11:30 and another snack around 4. It gets very confusing sometimes. So my biggest problem is that I eat for energy to stay awake. I have a…
  • Hi everybody, I am here to lose 117 lbs. I am turning 50 this year and I want to look and feel better. I want to celebrate 50 years of fun and freedom but not looking like this! I am looking for weight loss buddies and I like to chat a lot. So if you want support and like to be supportive add me as a friend and let's lose…
  • Hey all, I just decided this morning to get back on mfp. I used to love this site, but fell off the wagon big time. Now I'm back and could use lots of support and I see I'm not the only one. So welcome everybody! I look forward to making friends and losing weight. I am turning 50 in December and I want to start feeling…
  • Wow, great thread. What motivates me is music! A heavy fast beat makes my heart race and I can't sit still anymore. Check out my playlist: Burn it to the Ground, Nickleback Dragula, Rob Zombie Indestructible, Disturbed More Human than Human, White Zombie Never Gonna Stop, Rob Zombie Next 2 You, Buckcherry Personal Jesus,…
  • Welcome aboard! You will have lots of support on here. Everybody is great!
  • I have been an emotional eater for a long time, here's how I broke it. Check out my blog. http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/judykay05 I realized through great soul searching, that I gave a different meaning to food. Food is for energy, and that's truly how most people see it. For those of us that over eat, well we see it…
  • Can I ask a question? Do you ever have a small fridge in your room? When I was traveling doing the training and conference thing, I would always go out the first night, taking a taxi to the local supermarket and buy fresh fruit and whole wheat bread. I would be sure to eat fresh fruit and I would take my toast to the…
  • I hate to say this but If you haven't dated since high school, you may have more issues that just your weight. If I were you, I would go see a therapist. You are quite possibly avoiding all the happiness in your life. Stay on here and you will get lots of great support! Good luck to you! Judy
  • We can't control the past, only the present. What you do now is what is important! Believe me what you teach your son about getting control of your health and learning good eating and exercising habits will be a life lesson worth teaching! Keep up the good work
  • I want to live! I want to be healthy and live my life with out medications, disease and all the lovely things that come with that. I want to dance and look good while I'm at it! In Sarasota, Florida on Sunday nights, year round they have a drum circle. People from all walks of life, rich and not so rich, thin and heavy,…
  • I am exactly the same way! About every other month I throw a big dinner for my friends and all my neighbors! I love the preparation and all the love I put into it, and how much everyone appreciates a real home cooked meal. However, I realize that TRUE love would be to feed them food that is not only delicious but also good…
  • Kat, 72 lbs is very impressive plus a 5 k and and 10 k coming up! Holy moly! You did more than restock you kitchen! Thanks for the post! Judy
  • Good Lord! What a fantastic job! Your pic took my breath away! You don't look like the same person. To say congratulations doesn't quite cut it. You should be very proud of your accomplishment! You are truly inspiring! I bet you hear that a lot!
  • Stormy, keep up the soul searching, when I get stuck sometimes it helps to get more information, so I read as much as I can. Writing it really helpful too, I was pleasantly surprised to see that other people feel like I do, or have been in my shoes, maybe this would help you too? I read a book once by Robert Fulghum and it…
  • Wow what a great response! Thank you all so much for your input. I had this idea six weeks ago and really wanted to share it with someone who would understand, but I never thought it would maybe influence others. I guess we all deal with similar issues from time to time. I really welcome your feedback and appreciate your…
  • I know what you mean about hiding. I have been heavy and I have been thin, and I have also used my fat as a shield of armour. I am working on a blog explaining why it didn't work for me. I'm gonna post it soon if you are interested.
  • Great ideas and great support, thanks everybody. I really appreciate it!
  • The book was "The Ultimate Weight Loss Solution: 7 Keys to Weight Loss Freedom." (Dec, 2004). I don't know that I would recommend, afterall I never did finish it!
  • I think a pie with no bottom is more like a cobbler. I have made apple cobbler a couple times and you can really cut out a lot of fat and sugar this way. The best way to cook a cobbler is to cook it in individual ramekins so portion never becomes an issue! I am thinking of pumpkin in a ramekin as well with cinnamon and…