Hi everyone! I have a little question to ask you. I've heard and I've been reading that a high protein diet helps you with boosting your metabolism and that takes to a more efficient weight loss. Is it true? Have you ever tried eating more protein and it helped you?
Hey everyone! Well I have a little problem and I would appreciate your help :) I spent an entire week eating 600-700 calories more than I usually eat. I don't know why, I just felt like eating and ate cakes, ice cream and sweets without control. And I feel extremly guilty now, I want to stop the wild cravings and get back…
I've been eating too much, and I mean things I shouldn't...like chocolate (not one portion, TWO). I don't really go to the gym. I don't know what's up with me. And I feel gross. Disgusting. Fat. And that makes me anxyous and hungry again... Any advice? I really need a friend hand...
Hai! My name is Ann and I'm 16 :3 . I want to model, I love modeling and runaway world. I'm considered a high girl, because I'm 5'8''. What keeps me away from my dream? My body. I've been dieting for last 3 years and I've been doing it wrong. Since May I started to do it the good way. I mean excercising and eating well.…