What is your none food celebrations for yourself? What little ways might you treat yourself alone the way to pat yourself on the back?
Is this your meal supplement? If so I want to hear from you. It is new to me. I had my first drink for Breakfast. I used a combination of coconut milk and milk with the chocolate flavor. I am fortunate to have both Greenberry and Chocolate. Will try Greenberry tomorrow. Looking forward to all the forthcoming benefits. How…
I am looking for feed back from those of you who can advise on the usage and effects of using a mini trampoline or rebounder. . .
Do you rebound? I have bad knees and so it is low impact for me. I count it like jumping rope because it is not listed in the database and when i researched calories burned they alined the most with jumping rope. It is great and I feel it all over my body. I am new to fitness on a regular. So this helps me to easy into it…
I am almost at the 30 day mark of learning to log into MFP. Feeling more like I am headed towards a routine and welcoming friends. And needing advise. Sample menus please! This is a lot of energy to eat clean and be effective so any help you all can offer would be great. He's to support. Weight Loss and SAMPLE MENUS…