Belly fat
Hi, can some one please help me with my belly fat, I do cardio everyday, but thats the only thing I can do and I dont see any results. I can't afford a gym membership and I am studying for my MCAT. So, I usually only have time for cardio. And, I usually eat 150 carbohydrates a day, is that too much. Does someone have any…
hair loss due to weight loss
Hi, did anyone experience hair loss, after they lost about 26 pounds. I am shedding alot of hair. My bathtub is full of my hair. I never use to have this problem. My hair was very healthy. please help me! Thanks.Bye.
Belly fat
Hi, I lost 29lbs so far by joining MFP. It really helps with my caloies intake. My question is that even though, I lost 29 lbs, my belly fat is still there and I do not notice any change in my belly fat area. I do cardio for 40 min and burn about 360 calories. I heard tying a belt, the one that a person can put on their…