How to respond to the question "why are you single?"
I haven't dated much - for a bunch of reasons - at least the ones I have recognized. I get the wrong types of guys interested in me. Often they are not as ambitious as me, or have a completely different perspectives on finances, more importantly our moral values do not match etc. I tend to talk to everyone, so some of the…
I have this habit of randomly going on my tippy-toes when I'm wearing my flat ....even when I'm not too short to grab something on a high shelf. So....I was got off guard when this random stranger complimented me on my calves while I was at the drugstore !! (he has some nice calves himself!!!)
I'm still shrinking....and WiiFit just told me my BMI is normal!!!!
I fit into a dress I haven't been able to wear since 2003!!!!
Booze..how to avoid?
I am an emotional drinker..and june/july is tough this year - so I need some pointers on how to avoid the booze. I'm still close to my cal limit most days - but I know i need to cut it down! Any tips would be appreciated.
I'm losing inches!!
Finally - i had a long plateau from Jan - April!! April 8June 18 Weight148140 Bust3736 Waist3836 Across Bellybutton3837 Thigh (l)2324 Thigh (r)2323. Arm (l)1111.5
Ran a 5km today and signed up for a 1/2 marathon in sept!
I find running to be the best bang for the buck when it comes to cardio/losing weight. Signing up for the 1/2 marathon provides motivation to keep up with the training - otherwise it will be a painful run!!!
Can't wait until I post a success story!!!
I really wish i had taken before photo's. I can't wait until i am ready to post success photos!!
Need Dating Advice
I'm going to be 34 in a month - and i have yet to date anyone for longer than 4 months. Granted i used to be super shy - an didn't start dating until i was 23. I end up attracting the wrong guys - really old guys 45+ or really young guys (18-23). My personal trainer made a move on me (after he was my trainer)..which was…
I have finally kicked my addiction to coke/pepsi
It's been hard but success - I replaced it with a lot of herbal tea - and now even when I crave it and cave in - I don't like the taste of it!!! I have also managed to lose 10lbs so far (since Nov 2011) ...may have lost more but haven't weighed myself since feb. I have another 20lbs to go!!!