Starting Over
Starting over from scratch. Looking for friends to motivate and to help motivate me. Thanks!
Back on track...looking for friends
I'm a great motivator, looking for someone to help keep me on track...
Looking for friends so I can stay on track...
Will you be my friend? Looking for folks I can help motivate and keep me motivated...
25% towards my goal
I just crossed the 40 pound mark and I'm 25 % towards my goal. The weight has been coming off slower than I wanted, but I gotta stay motivated.
Gotta stay motivated and dedicated...
I just had my worst week effortwise and if shows on the scale. I think I've gotten too comfortable with the loss I've had so far and the comments so far from people. I have to stay motivated towards my goal... Also, a couple more friends would also help I believe to motivate me as I motivate others...
Who else has an overweight significant other?
My wife and I are both overweight. I haven't really had any health problems yet, but my wife is pre-diabetic and has all sorts of issues. Since she is having issues, I figured it was time for us to finally get healthy. I've tried to motivate us to do so...buying healthier foods and working out, but after a few days she…
I need friends for support...
Anyone want to be my friend? ;-)
I lost 12.6 pounds this week...
I know this is an abnormality and I can't expect results anywhere near this every week, but it's great to see a number like that. Especially since I haven't even worked out that hard this week. I was mostly getting my diet in check and making sure I don't eat too late at night. Plus it was my first real week and sticking…
Hello all...
My first of what's hopefully many posts here. How is everyone?