Neighbours sabotage my weight loss!!!
These grow wild just outside my house and nobody but me ever picks them, cause all neighbours think they're poisonous. And I just have to pick them, cause they're there and if I don't eat them, they will all waste... Why are my neighbours so unsupportive??? Do you guys think they want me fat??? #carbsarebad #sabotage
Why smokers gain weight when they quit smoking [article]
Just stumbled upon this one, posting cause I've seen a lot of people asking whether they're going to gain weight if they quit smoking. Most smokers put on a couple of kilos when they quit smoking. This is not due to an increased calorie intake, but to a change in the composition of the intestinal flora after quitting…
Scientific American on "What makes you fat"
What Makes You Fat: Too Many Calories, or the Wrong Carbohydrates? Rigorously controlled studies may soon give us a definitive answer about what causes obesity—excessive calories or the wrong carbohydrates By Gary Taubes…
NO boosters and cardio
Guys, I'm curious, I noticed in many threads about NO supplements that people seem to be taking them for any kind of workout, be it lifting, circuits or cardio. Some two years ago when I just started my flirt with NOXplode a friend saw me doing my weights (about 30min) and instantly proceeding to cardio afterwards. He said…