Hi there I've been a member of my fitness pal for a while now I lost 55kgs from my highest weight, however since I am a type 2 insulin dependent diabetic I have gained 15 kgs in a matter of months, I'm just wondering if anyone has anytips for minimising or preferably losing weight while on insulin. I take metformin also…
Hi all,im 5 ft 2 and weigh 145 kgs plus so exercise is very hard on my joints even walking around the block is very painful. I am thinking about joining a gym but in the meantime is there any exercises people could think of that I could do at home preferably inside as winter in nz that don,t require too much weightbearing…
I have to write this as I have so much to live for and yet I am killing myself with food. I hate where I am, I hate how overweight I am but most of all I really hate how this obsession with eating has given me diabetes hypertension and sleep apnoea, im scared of dying but I still cant stick to a diet lifestyle plan. I have…
Does anybody else struggle with binge/compulsive eating issues im very overweight and I wnt to lose weight but I cant break my addiction to food its getting to the stage that I cant handle it has anybody got any ideas I need to do ths for my daughter
I have a huge problem no pun intended im addicted to eating but I hate it I cnt stop I binge over and over its like sub consciously I wnt to hurt myself does anybdy have any ideas im ready to give up:-(
Hi all well im 28 years old and have struggled with bingeeating all my life I am very overweight and need to lose a significant amount of weight im type 2 diabetic at a recent checkup my dcr said if I dnt do smethng soon im not gng to b around to watch my daughter grow up youd think that would b enough to make me stop…