Newbie to the group
Can't believe I wasn't invited ! I'm Evonne. Some of you may know me.
Garcinia cambogia
Has anyone here taken it ? How does it work ? What are your thoughts ?
where are you ??? I miss you. We miss you !
Are medications making you fat ?
Since I've been on symbyax then abilify I have been gaining weight at an alarming rate. It has also caused my cholesterol , blood sugar and blood pressure to rise. My doctor doesn't believe me when I tell her that I don't overeat. I'd like to hear some of your experiences and if and how you overcame this problem. Btw , my…
What's your favorite alcoholic drink ?
I like tequila with lime.
Cellulite !
What have you tried other than exercise ?
Need bootcamp Sargent !
I've been in my bed for almost three days with a migraine and depression. My migraine is gone. Please, someone boot me out of this jail cell ! Help!!!
I'm new to Mfp and need all the help and support I can get
My name is Evonne Anderson and I'm a 44yr old female. Not only do I need everyone's help and support but also need to learn how to navigate and use it on this iPhone. I've been having trouble sending messages and uploading pics. I invite all who care. Thanks, EA.