Hi Everyone I recently found this article from the HuffingtonPost that talked about the value of walking in comparison to other more strenuous forms of exercise. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/andrew-weil-md/walking-health-benefits_b_1304846.html?ref=healthy-living In your collective opinions, is there some validity to this…
Lacking Workout Inspiration
Hi Everyone! I hope all is well. The past couple of days I've been kind of in a workout rut. I usually take the talk for a walk twice a day and then have a set gym schedule that involves swimming for 30-40 minutes (about 2000 yards) two nights a week and then doing tae kwon do two nights a week. The weekends I usually take…
Soup Beware
Hi Everyone, I found this article on Yahoo today and wanted to share it with the community. Basically it talks about how unhealthy some brands of soups can be -- I don't know about you, but I was totally shocked and appalled reading this.... especially since some soups like tomato soup are typically sold as healthy.…
Thanksgiving Prep
Hi Everyone! I hope all is well! I don't know about all of you, but I have been somewhat dreading Thanksgiving. I am JUST starting to get a handle on how to best control my eating and stabilizing out what works in my diet. Anyway, I was surfing through the Huffington Post Healthy Living section and found this article -- it…
Capoeira Workout
Hi Everyone! Do any of you have an idea on how many calories would be burned in an hour and half workout where you're doing stuff like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vm9Qw2Fpfb4 Just curious as I was looking for a new type of workout to keep me interested in fitness!
Mid Afternoon Energy Lull
Hi Everyone! I know all of you have probably encountered this, but I really need some advice. I've noticed that since restricting my food intake and cutting back on carbs especially, always after lunch time between 2 and 4 or so (siesta time I guess) I'm incredibly sluggish and almost fall asleep at my desk. I've been…
Good HuffingtonPost Article
Hello friends concerned with eating healthy! I found the following link on the Huffingtonpost and wanted to share it with all of you -- it definitely helps to dispel some health food and fitness myths / traps that I was falling into. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/eatingwell/diet-myths_b_1063650.html I hope all is well and…
The Master Cleanse
Hi All, Sorry if this seems like an absurd question; I'm new to posting on these forums but wanted to open up a general discussion about this supposed cleanse: http://themastercleanse.org/ I've been working on keeping track of my calorie intake with MFP and have been incorporating movement more and more into my daily life,…