Fasting... For health benefits
what are your thoughts on fasting... Whether it be 12-24 hour or longer periods like 10-30 days? I'm curious as ihave been researching the healthbenefits of longer fasts.. To reset the body straight.. Thanks for all thoughts.. No bashing please!
friend requests
i know this may seem stupid but im bring this up because ive gotten several lately....when sending a friend request, please take the time to put a message with it, its just polite....i know i and several of my friends deny then when someone doesnt take a minute to add one. reason being i like my list small so i can be…
Moves_To_Improve...(Closed Group)
week one done of our challenge...rest day today all. I want to thank you for your awesomeness, and for participating!! Team members are.... Myself beccav73 Big_Lew ScotsLenny Jus_Dot you have had an awesome week and im very proud of you....love that im not chasing you and that your liking the challenges!! dont forget i…
Turbo Charged Sleigh Riders (closed group)
Team members are Pretty_Pain Captain SimplyShanRunning Scotslenny FearAndLoathing Justjoshin Goateelocks http://maps.google.co.uk/maps/ms?msid=204655860575059420912.0004af6f1c891a4b00054&msa=0&ll=-19.642588,-75.585937&spn=140.147097,316.054688 This is our Christmas flight plan, to fly over as many Counties as we can by the…
Santa's Elves:Cause we do all the wrok,hehe (closed group)
December exercise challenge......................................Santas' Elves: Cause we do all the work, hehe Team members are Pretty_Pain Captain Scotslenny Jus_Dot Beckyv73 Goateelocks i will post all challenges and daily bonuses here to keep you up to date...
anyone done a Warrior Dash?
im looking into signing up for Warrior Dash in Maryland in May and again in Windham in NY in August. how do i Train for this? and anyone wanna do them?
Friend requests
ok I know this will come across as witchy, tho I have another word in mind, but many people feel that when you send a request you should add a message.. I'm one them! Not only is it polite but I don't like feeling like I'm being added as a trophy on a collectors list when I post a progress picture.. I've busted my a s s to…
friend requests
why send a fr without a short message, i mean if you waana be someones friend, shouldnt you take the time to write a short message? i do... what do you think? and do you do it?
im thinking about the changes that we make in our bodies getting fit, create a new more confident feeling in what we wear,,,,,,, just a thought.....
What body part have you changed the most
since ive started my fitness quest last December i think that ive seen the most change in my tummy and abs, the most.... what body part have you seen the most change in during your quest?