And this is why we are friends... Lol
Good gawd.... I so need a personal playtime now....:) sexy sexy.. !!!
i put it on top by my pic now so everyone can read it!!!
im not complaining...its jus polite to tell someone why you wish to be friends with them...... im here for support in fitness and encouragement, tho ive made awesome friends along the way keeping my list small and kinda intimate....
and thse are the reasons....well some of the, that i love you tooo!!!!!!!!!
josh this why i jus love you!!!!!!!!
unless tinkerbell is risque.....thats not the issue its been up for two days and ive gotten several....
im signin up now, so is shan
you should see if we can get a group rate on hotel
its about trying lori not the time it takes to do it...i would willingly hang back with you...sign up....please
i votefor the 10 am
shan you are one of the most amazing people i know and my best friend! i am always here for you, for love , support, early calls, and to defend when needed! you have been with me on one of my darkest days of 2011. October 16th was a bittersweet day for me and i would not have wanted to be anywhere else!! i love you…
the local chinese resturant was shut down recently for having skinned cats hanging in the freezer......YUCK on both accounts..
Congrats to everyone that finished this challenge! I know it had some hard spots and you are all stronger people for sticking with it. Here are the final standings. GRAND TOTAL: Moves_To_Improve: 333 Turkey Trotters: 267 Bestest Burners: 265 Fall's Foxy Femmes: 242 Fall's Fab Five: 221 Vivacious Vixens: 193 Flab-u-less:…
We are ready!!!!
BUMP......My teams ready!!
REPOST:::::::: from Belinda, here are the basics in info on the challenge Welcome to the second month of Belinda's Team Challenges. Here are the basics... 1. Teams of 5 people (1 captain reports to me weekly on Sunday night) 2. Challenge will be exercise based --- I GIVE SPECIFIC EXERCISES TO DO 6 DAYS A WEEK (normally…
Turbo Charged Sleigh Riders Pretty_Pain Captain SimplyShanRunning Scotslenny FearAndLoathing Justjoshin Goateelocks and i cant get my picture to post...grrrrr how do i do it??
ok team name...... Santas' Elves: Cause we do all the work, hehe Team members are Pretty_Pain Captain Scotslenny Jus_Dot Beckyv73 Goateelocks
Tuesday 11/29 - Legs 3 sets of 15-25 on every exercise Side Leg Lift Right/Left - Kneeling Leg Raise Right/left - Inner Thigh Raise Right/Left - Squat Kicks -…
I got the same lisa... Miss her !!!!!!!
still lokking for two team members......
I'm in!!!!
I'm in!!!!
week 3 totals...... CONGRATS to BrandieWhy of team TurkeyTrotters for dropping an amazing 5.5 pounds in one week! She is our biggest loser for the week! Week 3 scores: Moves_To_Improve = 63 points Bestest Burners = 61 points Fall's Foxy Femmes = 57 points Turkey Trotters = 55 points Fall's Fab Five = 55 points Flab-U-Less…
Weekly Challenge Starting 11/21 --- FRUITS AN VEGGIES!! We are suppose to get 5 Fruits and Veggies a day. You can earn 1 point per 5 F/ V that your team consumes. This is for a FULL serving not a partial serving. When you report back to your captain how many fruits and veggies you had you must also list what you had. EX: 3…
im in...let me know please
Please remember to tell me if you did stay under on calories also. Here is the rest of this weeks info: I am trying to end out this week a little different. I know that some people have said that they would like more cardio based workouts. Please give feedback on what you think of different workouts or exercises Thurday…
results from week one i forgot to post this... Moves_To_Improve 62 points Turkey Trotters 41 points Fall's Foxy Femmes 35 points Fall's Fab Five 30 points Let the Pounds Fall 30 points Bestest Burners 28 points Flab-u-less 25 points Vivacious Vixens 21 points