Books that changed your outlook on NUTRITION!
I thought it would be nice to have a thread for books that changed the way you view health, nutrition, diet, and even life.....here are mine.... The China Study by Dr. T. Colin Campbell - Science & results prove: change your diet and dramatically reduce the risk of cancer, diabetes, heart disease and obesity. The 80/10/10…
Any 80/10/10ers (Low Fat Raw Vegans) on here?
Started using this site this past week & I was just hoping to find anyone else that follows 811. Would love to support each other. Oh and if anyone is striving for 811 or has questions I would be glad to help out :) Love & light!
Clean, fresh, RAW Challenge for JULY!!!
What is raw vegan? Raw veganism is based on the fact that at 115F the enzymes in previously raw foods breakdown and when eaten it is treated as a toxin to the body because it is dead lifeless matter. Raw vegans eat fruit, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and SPROUTED grains (see below for info on sprouting). Food that is toxic…
Protein, Iron, Milk, Carbs, Fish, Fats, Olive Oil, Exercise,
15 Food Myths That Can Kill You Not sure if this has been shared before so throwing it out there. The research is from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine and George Washington University School of Medicine. http://www.cbsnews.com/2300-204_162-10004624.html?tag=page
Dole & Monsanto are getting married :(
Dole will now be sleeping with the devil. What a shame. Dole could have brought organics to mainstream at a cheaper price so everyone can afford it however they will be partnering with one of the biggest chemical companies in the US to bring you frankenfood. Spinach, lettuce, cauliflower, and broccoli will now be added to…
The Fruitarian Living in a Human Diet Horror Movie
I'm scared, really really scared for the human species. Since becoming a fruitarian and completely rebuilding my body and health to peak levels I now see how sick everyone else is around me. The diets that are eaten in industrialized society today is a ticket to suffering, death and destruction. Our medical systems and…
Raw Food Challenge!! Trying to eat a cleaner unprocessed di
With all of the recent posts about raw foods I decided we should start a challenge! Now I would like to say 100% but I know not everyone is at that point in their lives and as this would be a great goal for anyone - I would like to open this up to more people. I just watched the documentary Food Matters last night and they…
Raw challenge - Clean & Fresh! 75% for July!!
I thought I would post this here since it kind of applies. I started a thread for a raw food challenge down in Food & Nutrition but just wanted to get the word out even more. We are having a Raw Food Challenge for the month of July and people are beginning to sign up. There is also a prize!! Check out all the details here:…
Scary Facts - makes you think twice what you eat!
HUNGER: -The Number of people worldwide who will die as a result of malnutrition this year: 20 million -Number of people who could be adequately fed using land freed if Americans reduced their intake of meat by 10%: 100 million -Percentage of corn grown in the U.S. eaten by people: 20 -Percentage of corn grown in the U.S.…
"One meal can effect the health of your arteries"
This video is super scary. The effects "only" lasted about 6 hours. Uh yeah I don't want to feel like crap for 6 hours and then do it again with my next meal. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6vtJociC_QA&feature=related And here are some more of the food that cause this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bgv214qoeZ0&NR=1