kickitlarson Member


  • How much raw fruits & veggies are you eating? If your just eating a bunch of processed stuff (especially grains) instead of what you normally eat then this could be the issue. Up your fruits & veggies & look into quinoa (sprout it & have it raw on salads & stuff for an amazing source of amino acids).
  • The China Study...most recent I've read and tons of different info regarding the subject. I've read tons of others but don't have them linked or anything....will try to find some later today.
  • Long term over 30%. Of course you don't know if in 5-10 years you will develop any of these things because of the food choices you are making right now...just the chance we all take. Increasing protein without increasing exercise/weight training does nothing to increase muscle mass...strength training/physical activity is…
  • Hi MrsSayers!! I am raw vegan and abolutely love it!!! I became vegetarian about 6 years ago and since then have tried raw tons of times. Started back up in March and so far I've been really successful. I've tweaked my diet a lot this time around and found a way that works for me. There are quite a few others on here…
  • Too much nitrogen in your blood which causes drowsiness, overworking of the kidneys, leeching calcium from the bones causing osteoporosis, dehydration, kidney stones, aggravates allergies, cardiovascular disease (from meat proteins), diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, just to name a few.
  • Its YOUR journey!! You do whatever you are comfortable with now and reevaluate when you feel necessary to make changes or adapt to how you feel - that's the beauty of all of this!! Raw is one thing and vegan is another. There are raw folks who eat raw meat, eggs, and milk...personally the cleanliness aspect would just…
  • Here is a search on for vegetarian without soy, main dish & sorted by most popular....(some may still have soy - I just took is out as main ingredient)....curry, falalfel, all types of bean dishes...,main-dish?Ns=recipe_mostpopular|1&excl=301,372,106,195 Also here is a…
  • QUINOA!!!! A complete protein and easily used by the human body. Use it anywhere you would use rice to pack your meal full of more nutrition. Also sprout it and put on salads, wraps, sandwiches, and even over cereal or oatmeal. Quinoa is extrememly versatile & quick to prepare.....check out this thread on with…
  • You could just pick some fruit that you do like and try them together...I just like to mix and match.... strawberries, mango, peach, apples & pears add bulk so use one of them as a base (you can get the first three frozen for a frosty treat & keeps better) blueberries, cherries, kiwi, and papaya add yummy flavors - throw…
  • There are plenty of other fruits & veggies to have :D Plus many people do smoothies - no need for chewing there!!
  • The world's food supply will be abolished because of it. You said it yourself...seedless grapes & seedless oranges without seeds the trees don't reproduce, why don't they have seeds? Because consumers are picky AND so that the seed owners can control the food!!! ALSO because of roundup insects are adapting & becoming…
  • Personally I wouldn't go to grains for carbs - they are really hard to digest and tax the digestive lining and beans are pretty much indigestable as well. Fruit and easily digestable veggies are where its at for me. I feel you about the headaches when eating lots of grains July24 but I would be curious to nail down the…
  • sawwweeetttttttt! Really excited for this!! Apparently there will also be something on their main website - not sure when that will happen and if it will go off of there or the facebook - can't wait for all the details!!
  • Love it Pinky!! We crave carbs for a reason!!! Our bodies want & need carbs for fuel. The majority of top athletes eat carb rich diets so they have the energy to get out there, be active, and enjoy life!! Eat the carbs, get the energy, become fit.
  • OOOOOHHHH Yeah!!! Just what we were looking for!!! Santiago from Raw Food Muscle is putting together a raw fitness challenge!! I'm signing up anyone else?
  • Sounds lovely tres!! Can't wait to get back to society so I can get involved in things like that!
  • Will do!! No I haven't had those bars....only "raw" bars I've tried are the Larabars and that was a couple years ago. We don't get things like that out here in Guam. Plus they are so easy to make yourself!! I'm not a doctor buuuuuttttt if you are drinking plenty of your weight & moderate exercise (3-4times per…
  • RMc - how much salt do you take in? Probably not as much as the normal person which is fine!! Salt makes you retain water resulting in higher %. You want to be drinking & flushing your body instead of holding on to the junk. If you are worried about it up your celery intake (quality natural sodium) and maybe try the fresh…
  • Most iron problems are an issue with absorption rather than intake - if you are absorbing all your iron you don't need as much, as the RDA accounts for those not absorbing everything. Eating vitamin c with your iron rich foods increases absorption tremendously especially when getting your iron from plant based sources. Eat…
  • Hi Swayne!! You have a lot of great questions!! I recently put together a Raw challenge for the month of July you can check it out in the link below. I touched on a lot of great topics including beauty products, processed foods, PROTEIN, and places to go for more info. If it comes in a package I immediately question…
  • going over with fiber can't be a bad thing!! Fruit sugars are different than processed sugars. Fruit sugars enter the bloodstream and leave quickly unless there is too much fat to slow it down. Processed sugars are more like a drug and are treated like toxins. I would say eat as much fruit & veggies you like then figure…
  • (formerly recipezaar) you can use the recipe sifter to search, take out or put in certain ingredients and dietary restrictions. The recipes are rated & most have pics. Put in low fat, low calorie, gluten free, vegan, kosher, no mushrooms, salad, cookies, mexican, and so much more!!!! The possiblities are endless!!
  • Robyns got it...your vitamix should be able to turn the raw almonds right into paste/butter. Raw almonds will be delicious all on their own!!
  • Sounds like a lovely time Ummbinat!! I can't wait to get off this island so I can travel! Plane tickets from here are so EXPENSIVE!!! Hope you have a great time & when you get a chance shoot me a message with your address. I burned my leg yesterday making popcorn for my husband :( Yet another reason not to eat cooked…
  • Most of the time when people fail on raw vegan they are not eating enough calories from fruit. People try to sustain themselves on salads & nuts & totally disregard the fruit. This is not the way to do it. Nuts should be limited to a handful a day...that is all the overt fat you need. Calories should be taken from fruit in…
  • 80/10/10 Raw vegan......high carb but they are carbs from fruit which are good for you!!!!!! There isn't much that is low in all because that's what makes up food....veggies would really be the only thing but you don't get calories from veggies.....go raw vegan & don't worry about it!!!!
  • Another Raw VEGAN sharing blood tests!!! Here is a blog I check out and found this today! Love it!! According to Dr John McDougall: "You could choose to eat lots of B12-rich animal foods and avoid the one-in-a-million chance of developing a…
  • I have been raw/fruitarian since March & feeling amazing!! You must eat a lot of fruit to get your calories!! I am finishing up a 10 banana & 5 date smoothie for breakfast. You can find delicious organic dates online & order them in has a box for a great price. Check out farmer's markets & your local…
  • Not sure really, just always has been - height of summer, tons of things to do, and my birthday month :) Wonder where Ummbinat went....... Send me your address please RMC!!!!!! Maybe we should do a workout challenge. I've been active but not following an actual work out routine....although I guess we aren't really meant to…
  • :D So glad to hear that RMC! Thank you so much for all your posts & you should be proud of yourself!! I was truly amazed at how well you and Ummbinat just threw yourselves into this. It just goes to show that doing what is right and natural for yourself isn't difficult. You don't need to be a nutritionist to know that…