Clean, fresh, RAW Challenge for JULY!!!



  • UmmBinat
    UmmBinat Posts: 39
    Sorry I voted out loud lol
  • UmmBinat
    UmmBinat Posts: 39
    Right now I am craving dates. I have some but they are not very soft, they are very sweet. What should I do with them besides eat them from the tin? I know Minddelicious' datorade is great but these are not so great for it. I have tried.
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    You could make almond date balls, use them in dressings, or just blend them up with bananas!! Bananas & dates are one of my favorites - just soak them a bit first if they are on the hard side.

    Tallying up the massive amounts of votes tomorrow...just kidding so far the only votes I knew I could count on have come in....which isn't a lot!!!! Please vote people!!!!
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Ok so only 2 people voted :( So there will be TWO WINNERS!!!!!!

    The WINNERS ARE.....





    I don't believe either of you have 80/10/10 so let me know if you would like that or a raw treat goodie bag!!!!!

    You both stuck through this month & did an exceptional job with maintaining a high level of raw through out the month. Maybe you can share how your month went, challenges, and success with lovely fruit & veggies. Will you continue? Let us know!!
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    Ok so only 2 people voted :( So there will be TWO WINNERS!!!!!!

    The WINNERS ARE.....





    I don't believe either of you have 80/10/10 so let me know if you would like that or a raw treat goodie bag!!!!!

    You both stuck through this month & did an exceptional job with maintaining a high level of raw through out the month. Maybe you can share how your month went, challenges, and success with lovely fruit & veggies. Will you continue? Let us know!!

    oh wow thank you that is awesome. I would love to have the 80-10-10 book.

    And yes I am going to keep this up. I love my juicer and my blender. I am proud of the good job I did. remember the start of my month. My poor mouth hurt so bad. But i did well.
    Keep the info coming to us I love checking here daily (ok several times a day lol) for any new posts . I love this group.
    Oh and I just got back from vacation. My son and I went to TN near the Nashville area to see my dad and step mom.
    She has a excaliber deydrator and it is AWESOME! she dried.....strawberries, peaches, apples, mangos and pineapple.
    And OMG is the pineapple GREAT. I loved it. My son loved it all but the pineapple was his favorite. So I really need to try my
    dehydrator out. $1 find at a garage sale so we will see how it works. May just need to save up for the excaliber. :)
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    :D So glad to hear that RMC! Thank you so much for all your posts & you should be proud of yourself!! I was truly amazed at how well you and Ummbinat just threw yourselves into this. It just goes to show that doing what is right and natural for yourself isn't difficult. You don't need to be a nutritionist to know that fruit & veggies are what your body needs. you don't need a degree to figure out what foods your body is naturally drawn to. And you don't even need someone else's opinion on what is ok to fuel you....your body knows if you just allow it to tell you. I won't be setting up another challenge for August due to the lack of people commited the whole way through however we can surely continue to share through this thread. August is definitely my favorite month so I'm really pumped to get out and enjoy life. Can't wait to see what this month brings!!!
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    :D So glad to hear that RMC! Thank you so much for all your posts & you should be proud of yourself!! I was truly amazed at how well you and Ummbinat just threw yourselves into this. It just goes to show that doing what is right and natural for yourself isn't difficult. You don't need to be a nutritionist to know that fruit & veggies are what your body needs. you don't need a degree to figure out what foods your body is naturally drawn to. And you don't even need someone else's opinion on what is ok to fuel you....your body knows if you just allow it to tell you. I won't be setting up another challenge for August due to the lack of people commited the whole way through however we can surely continue to share through this thread. August is definitely my favorite month so I'm really pumped to get out and enjoy life. Can't wait to see what this month brings!!!

    why is August your favorite?
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Not sure really, just always has been - height of summer, tons of things to do, and my birthday month :)

    Wonder where Ummbinat went.......

    Send me your address please RMC!!!!!!

    Maybe we should do a workout challenge. I've been active but not following an actual work out routine....although I guess we aren't really meant to "workout" just have an active lifestyle so I guess its alright but I don't feel like I have structure or anything to count if I don't.
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Another Raw VEGAN sharing blood tests!!! Here is a blog I check out and found this today! Love it!!

    According to Dr John McDougall:

    "You could choose to eat lots of B12-rich animal foods and avoid the one-in-a-million chance of developing a reversible anemia and/or even less common, damage to your nervous system. However, this decision puts you at a one-in-two chance of dying prematurely from a heart attack or stroke; a one-in-seven chance of breast cancer or a one-in-six chance of prostate cancer. The same thinking results in obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, constipation, indigestion, and arthritis.

    Much easier to just take a B12 supplement don't you think?
  • UmmBinat
    UmmBinat Posts: 39
    I tried to post earlier in the day and it wouldn't let me!!!!

    Ok so only 2 people voted :( So there will be TWO WINNERS!!!!!!

    The WINNERS ARE.....





    I don't believe either of you have 80/10/10 so let me know if you would like that or a raw treat goodie bag!!!!!

    You both stuck through this month & did an exceptional job with maintaining a high level of raw through out the month. Maybe you can share how your month went, challenges, and success with lovely fruit & veggies. Will you continue? Let us know!!

    Oh yay!! Good for us!! I am also proud about how well I did even with the various restaurant visits. I totally and completely want to keep this up. I mean how could some who really tries this fully not??? And I would love the book. Love to read and about health yes please :D:D

    My favorite month is august as well because in Canada, where I live it is the sunniest time. So I will get lots of it. It helps with my energy too of course. We are actually going to Niagara Falls ether tomorrow for Saturday for a week. Canadian side.

    I am getting a juicer soon as I originally come from a town that the community is so into organic health ways and my mom's friend has an extra one to spare. So I will finally try juicing. I already make total fruit smoothies a lot, I love making drinks.

    Congrats's rmccully :-)
  • UmmBinat
    UmmBinat Posts: 39
    I'm going on vacation tomorrow or Saturday so really busy getting ready here. I will be back with you in another week.

    Oops already said that LOL.

  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Sounds like a lovely time Ummbinat!! I can't wait to get off this island so I can travel! Plane tickets from here are so EXPENSIVE!!! Hope you have a great time & when you get a chance shoot me a message with your address.

    I burned my leg yesterday making popcorn for my husband :( Yet another reason not to eat cooked food!!! I was all about laying out in the sun & doing some running today but everytime I go outside my leg starts to get hot. Totally sucks.
  • UmmBinat
    UmmBinat Posts: 39
    I hope you feel better. I like much less touristy spots.
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    How is everyone doing?
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    So I get my body analysis done every six weeks I started this 12 weeks ago. I started at 125 six weeks later 119 six weeks later (which was yesterday) 114. They also do a break down of body fat vs. water . So my boday fat has been going down and my water has stayed about the same. 47.9 to 47.8 to 47.3. I am told that my water level should be between 50 - 60%. I can't figure out why it is not. I eat raw fruits and veggies that have a lot of water, drink smoothies, and drink water all day long. SOOOO if anyone has any thoughts on this I would love to hear them.

    Someone said drink coconut water for more electrlites
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    BUMP!! For me to read later...
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    RMc - how much salt do you take in? Probably not as much as the normal person which is fine!! Salt makes you retain water resulting in higher %. You want to be drinking & flushing your body instead of holding on to the junk. If you are worried about it up your celery intake (quality natural sodium) and maybe try the fresh coconut water. You can get them at asian marketss and some HFSs - the young white ones are what you want. Your results are great!!!

    My leg is getting better...and I am hopefully traveling to the states soon for a spur of the moment wedding - my brother is getting married. I can't wait to see family - its been almost a year and a half. This is a great time in PA as well....tons of farmer's markets & roadside stands. So excited!!!

    I'm have to follow up with your 811 books - I had a site that was helping me out with the monetary side & I haven't heard anything back for the final go ahead. I will make sure it gets taken care of tomorrow. OH and my husband said I could get a VitaMix for my birthday!!!! All of my dreams are coming true :D Probably going to get a refurbished one as they are so much cheaper plus they have the same warranty. Can't wait!!
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    RMc - how much salt do you take in? Probably not as much as the normal person which is fine!! Salt makes you retain water resulting in higher %. You want to be drinking & flushing your body instead of holding on to the junk. If you are worried about it up your celery intake (quality natural sodium) and maybe try the fresh coconut water. You can get them at asian marketss and some HFSs - the young white ones are what you want. Your results are great!!!

    My leg is getting better...and I am hopefully traveling to the states soon for a spur of the moment wedding - my brother is getting married. I can't wait to see family - its been almost a year and a half. This is a great time in PA as well....tons of farmer's markets & roadside stands. So excited!!!

    I'm have to follow up with your 811 books - I had a site that was helping me out with the monetary side & I haven't heard anything back for the final go ahead. I will make sure it gets taken care of tomorrow. OH and my husband said I could get a VitaMix for my birthday!!!! All of my dreams are coming true :D Probably going to get a refurbished one as they are so much cheaper plus they have the same warranty. Can't wait!!

    How fun. I was looking online the other day at the Vitamix. They look great. Someday I think I may need to get one. Let me know how you like it and what it can do.

    Have you had the Raw Revolution fruit bars?

    So my number being at 47 isn't a big deal?

    We gonna starte up the workout month?
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    RMc - how much salt do you take in? Probably not as much as the normal person which is fine!! Salt makes you retain water resulting in higher %. You want to be drinking & flushing your body instead of holding on to the junk. If you are worried about it up your celery intake (quality natural sodium) and maybe try the fresh coconut water. You can get them at asian marketss and some HFSs - the young white ones are what you want. Your results are great!!!

    My leg is getting better...and I am hopefully traveling to the states soon for a spur of the moment wedding - my brother is getting married. I can't wait to see family - its been almost a year and a half. This is a great time in PA as well....tons of farmer's markets & roadside stands. So excited!!!

    I'm have to follow up with your 811 books - I had a site that was helping me out with the monetary side & I haven't heard anything back for the final go ahead. I will make sure it gets taken care of tomorrow. OH and my husband said I could get a VitaMix for my birthday!!!! All of my dreams are coming true :D Probably going to get a refurbished one as they are so much cheaper plus they have the same warranty. Can't wait!!

    How fun. I was looking online the other day at the Vitamix. They look great. Someday I think I may need to get one. Let me know how you like it and what it can do.

    Have you had the Raw Revolution fruit bars?

    So my number being at 47 isn't a big deal?

    We gonna starte up the workout month?

    Will do!! No I haven't had those bars....only "raw" bars I've tried are the Larabars and that was a couple years ago. We don't get things like that out here in Guam. Plus they are so easy to make yourself!! I'm not a doctor buuuuuttttt if you are drinking plenty of your weight & moderate exercise (3-4times per week) you should be drinking 9 cups. Make sure you are drinking the majority of your water an hour before or after eating. Drinking with food causes digestive hardships. As long as your going to the potty 8-10 times per day and peeing clear you are staying hydrated. Retaining water is not ideal and you want a nice cycle going. What kind of water are you drinking? If you buy water they go with distilled....After this Vitamix a water distiller is our next big purchase. Distilled is much easier to assimilate and use properly. I honestly wouldn't worry about it....did the doc give any recommendations?
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