Clean, fresh, RAW Challenge for JULY!!!



  • tres1967
    tres1967 Posts: 177
    Tagging so I can read and catch up later, I've been taking raw food "cooking" classes
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Tagging so I can read and catch up later, I've been taking raw food "cooking" classes

    Sounds lovely tres!! Can't wait to get back to society so I can get involved in things like that!
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    OOOOOHHHH Yeah!!! Just what we were looking for!!! Santiago from Raw Food Muscle is putting together a raw fitness challenge!! I'm signing up anyone else?
  • rmccully
    rmccully Posts: 319
    I am in
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    sawwweeetttttttt! Really excited for this!! Apparently there will also be something on their main website - not sure when that will happen and if it will go off of there or the facebook - can't wait for all the details!!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Bump! Gotta read this later. A lot of info.
  • It's cool that you guys can do this. I couldn't because I hate bananas (seriously, merely tasting them sets off my gag reflex) and I hate pineapple.

    I also can't chew anything hard because I have a damaged jaw, but I'm glad to see that it's helping some people.
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    It's cool that you guys can do this. I couldn't because I hate bananas (seriously, merely tasting them sets off my gag reflex) and I hate pineapple.

    I also can't chew anything hard because I have a damaged jaw, but I'm glad to see that it's helping some people.

    There are plenty of other fruits & veggies to have :D Plus many people do smoothies - no need for chewing there!!
  • Can you give an example smoothie I could try to make that doesn't have any pineapple or banana in it?
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    You could just pick some fruit that you do like and try them together...I just like to mix and match....
    strawberries, mango, peach, apples & pears add bulk so use one of them as a base (you can get the first three frozen for a frosty treat & keeps better)
    blueberries, cherries, kiwi, and papaya add yummy flavors - throw in whatever you like
    orange, lemon, lime, coconut milk, or nutmilks add some liquid
    spinach, kale, add the greens if you would like to try that route. Add in a handful, blend, and then taste...if you can't taste the greens try adding a bit more at a time til you just start to taste them. great way to get huge amounts of greens into your diet

    Apple, peach, cherry is a winning combo. For juicing carrot/apple is delicious & so is cucumber/coconut milk :D
    I also bet if you would make a smoothie with a couple ingredients from above and add in a banana for the creamyness you wouldn't even be able to taste it!!!

    Always blend your fruit first then add in the greens until you can't add any more :) If you're not using orange, lemon, lime juice, nut or coconut milk then just add water to get it moving & to the right consistency.

    2-3 cups any greens of your choice, 2 cups papaya, 2 oranges, 3 dates

    Winter Smoothie - 1 cup organic frozen berries (any kind), 2 cups fresh spinach, 1/4 inch fresh ginger, water

    4-5 kale leaves, 4 apples, 1/2 lemon juiced, water

    2 big handfuls mixed baby greens, 2 pears, 2 mangoes, 1 cup fresh or frozen blueberries

    2 pears. 2 mangoes, 1 c. blueberries, 1 c. greens

    3 pears, 1/2 c. raspberries, 5 leaves of kale

    tomato/celery/cayenne for a bloody mary
  • Thanks for the ideas. I'll let you know how it goes.
  • FunkBunny
    FunkBunny Posts: 417 Member
    How do you start if you're not 100% sure of becoming a raw foods eater? Baby steps or jump in with both feet/
    plus...I'm not interested in becoming vegan at this point, will that stop me from going raw the rest of the way or is this all or nothing?
  • kickitlarson
    kickitlarson Posts: 204 Member
    Its YOUR journey!! You do whatever you are comfortable with now and reevaluate when you feel necessary to make changes or adapt to how you feel - that's the beauty of all of this!! Raw is one thing and vegan is another. There are raw folks who eat raw meat, eggs, and milk...personally the cleanliness aspect would just never be good enough in my opinion. There are raw folks who are more like vegetarians and eat raw milk, eggs, and honey. Then there are raw vegans who don't want to use any animals for entertainment/food/profit. Find what your comfortable with. There are some folks who shoot for 50% raw and others who say 100% or go home. there are some folks who eat clean raw and others who have processed "raw foods". Nothing is wrong or right, its your journey and just where you are.

    The best start would be to shoot for 51%+ of your diet being whole unprocessed fruits & veggies. You need at least 51% to counteract the other non raw foods you eat (cooked foods are treated like foreign objects in the body not food - they make your pulse and blood pressure rise, the white blood cells increase as if they were combating an infection). Now anything above this 51% will go to fixing, helping, and nuturing the body.

    The best way to do this is to have a large fruit smoothie for breakfast - fast, easy, and gets you pumping for your day. then for lunch either have fruit again or fruit & veggies either in salad, just a huge plate of whatever you want, blended soup, zuchinni noodles & marinara, raw chili, whatever really. Then if you must you can have your cooked dinner. I would recommend keeping the processed foods down & stick with whole foods, rice, baked potatoes, stirfried veggies, and lean meats (cagefree, grassfed type stuff).

    Or you can just say I'm going to do a week of raw and see how I feel after that. However you must do this correctly. So many people are scared of fruit and this is why they fail. Eating veggies all day and then some nuts only gives you nutirents & fat. You need fruit for energy! Believe me I have failed on raw many times because I did not realize this. I was tired and felt crappy - not the amazing results so many had told me about...I was missing the fruit aspect! After a week they feel like junk and say - yeah - raw is not for me!! Well those people do it incorrectly. Lots of fruit for breakfast and anytime you get a sweet/carb craving. Large amounts of dark leafy veggies for iron & protein. On average a handful of nuts or half an avocado per day for fat.

    Hopefully some of this helps and there is really no way to say what will work for you - you just need to try it out. Its really the easiest thing to do - just eat more fresh fruits & veggies. You don't need a degree to know that is good for you.
  • emarcia28
    emarcia28 Posts: 140 Member
    bump! cant wait to read all this later!! after school :)
  • jojowink
    jojowink Posts: 189 Member
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