on the Richard Simmons Food mover??
has anyone ever taken a body sculpting class and what's your take on it?...I joined the YMCA and seriously considering going....
AND you know why.... Because it's not a diet for me i eat regular foods just in moderation i am and will do this as a way of life not a diet i'll jump off and jump on when i please it's about moderation for me not overeating, not pigging out enjoying small portions of it all and in the same time...eating healthier foods…
Found this helpful...wanted to share :) tami The 7 Worst Restaurant Foods in America Share Buzz up! (10) on Yahoo! By: Tanya Jolliffe : We all enjoy eating away from home from time to time and try to make smart choices when we do. Sometimes we sabotage all our best efforts and give in to a moment of weakness. The more you…
( I FOUND this very interesting packed with loads of good tips) enjoy...Tami South Louisiana Urged to Take a Sip on the Lighter Side CC’s Community Coffee House® and Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Louisiana Partner to Promote Guilt-Free Living Wednesday, January 06, 2010- BATON ROUGE, La. -- CC’s Community Coffee House® and…
I'm Tami new to this but Not NEW TO LOSING weight so....getting my butt back in gear to lose it.... time to care about myself again...