Three words game
The person above you gives you three words. You write a sentence using those three words and hand three over to the next person. Cardio, Dumbbells, Kitten
Obsticle Course Partners?
I have a long way to train but luckily I have time. You do too. Come out and join me. Register so you don't back down and have some type of commitment to yourself. My mom once told me nothing gets you motivated like when you invest money into something, you won't want your money to go down the drain. Come one, what's a…
Illinois Warrior Dash
So, I left MFP for a few weeks, months.. Put on a few pounds (not all chunkyness, some muscle) and now I have two weeks to prep for the Warrior Dash. MFP has helped out a lot so I come to you guys/gals for some advice. I must admit, I've been lazy - lifting. light sports did two 5ks but all spread out in a 2.5 month range.…
Here I am..
http://img547.imageshack.us/img547/5333/123xoh.png So for my sons first bday (far left), I weighted 310 pounds. His second bday (middle), I weighted 180 pounds. Lastly, for his 3rd bday (far right - this past january), I weighted 195. I have managed to keep most of the weight off and add on a few pounds in muscle but I am…
Pilsen, Little Village, Bridgeport, UIC?!
Anyone from the South Loopish area? I need to feel pressure from fellow Chicagoans to continue my transfermation. Lets gettir done!
..Contradicting Actions?
Alright so, when I began my weight-loss March of 2011 I was 310 and am now 180 (have maintained this weight for about 4 months now) *pause for applause* So now I'm trying to lose about 10 to 15 more while gaining muscle mass, a perfect weight for me would be 170 to 180 but stacked. Anywoot, I've been taking Cellucor…
My 30 day weight loss experience
Okay, so I lost 60 pounds in 30 days. I began 309.2 and ended up 248.6 (PLEASE DO NOT TELL ME HOW STUPID I WAS FOR DOING THIS! I researched what happened with my body afterwards. [Do not try this at home]). It was how I began my weight-loss. I was 21 years old, this began March 2011, I am now 22 and weigh 179.2. I am…
Loose Skin
Okay, so I went from 310 to 182 in 9 months, which is totally awesome - I need a few more to go before I am completely satisfied though. Now, I've done a ton of cardio, weight-lifting and eating healthy on my journey; but now, I see the loose skin under my arms as a problem. I know that I should not let it bother me and…
Hello, As the holidays near, I have come to the conclusion that all the food is made unhealthy (for the most part) and is eaten in large amounts. I can tell you guys right now, I'm going to probably eat a crap load, which leads me to ask: What can I cook so the damage isn't as bad? If you guys have an opening dish, main…