Gels and chews
My long runs are getting into the 13 mile range, and while I wear a running belt in which i carry some powerade/water I'm looking to start experimenting with the electrolyte chews and/or gels. any suggestions on brands? flavors? when during the run to eat them? how often? and should I change my diet that day around that…
Shin Splints!
So I'm training for a marathon, the last long run I did was my first time at 13 miles, it was last weekend. Since then my calves never really recovered and all week when i tried to run my right shin would get so tight I couldn't support my weight. It's been 3 days since my last run, I'm also getting a cold :/ , how long…
protein supplement suggestions??
Im looking for a new protein powder that I can afford on a relatively modest budget...some help? Right now I use GNC low carb high performance whey (vanilla), but it's really sweet! usually i'll mix it with water/powerade after workouts and i'd love some suggestions on some new stuff (preferably low carb...)!
hellllooo Sugar!
So I added 'Sugar' as an option for the calorie tracker, and I seem to go so far over every day! I guess I don't really understand how on a day where I do an hour of cardio, my carb intake is supposed to go up by so much, but Im only supposed to have about 10 more grams of sugar. How do I get the carbs without intaking a…
tips on going gluten free???
Im considering going gluten free as I have some suspicion that in the last year I may have developed a slight allergy to wheat. I'd love some input! Good experiences? Bad experiences? Tips? Advice? I'm all ears
Is there such thing as too much protein??
You see so many articles and quotes detailing how people's biggest habit is an OD on carbs. It can be the dieters greatest enemy. I for one was so used to NEEDING them with strenuous swimming training and competing that it has been a struggle to get my intake of them under control. But, you never hear about protein. If…
Runners vs. tredmills; does it have to be a battle of wills?
I'm training for a marathon in February and I live in D.C.. My hours during the week require me to run either very early or very late (aka when it's dark out), and doing that where I live makes me nervous. Therefore, I have to run inside for about 60% of my running. However, running 6 miles on a treadmill feels terrible! I…
swimmer --> marthon runner. New but not a newbie
So I just joined this site in an inspiration to try something new. While I'm new to the site, I don't consider myself new to fitness. I was a competitive swimmer for about 15 years and swam all the way up through college. My training was very rigorous, up to 9 practices in a week and 28 hours a week swimming or working…