Hi All Quick question does anyone have or use a hula hoop on a regular basis? If so what sort of results are you having? I am thinking of getting one for my abs and thighs. Thank you for your time. xx
HI Historically I have suffered from IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) but only had one episode in the last 18 months up till yesterday! I came back from the first session of couch to 5k last night and my stomach looked like I was 9 months pregnant!! This morning it has come down to normal size. The scales aren't being kind…
Hi Everyone I thought now I'm online I would say hi to you all and hope you are all in good spirits today! :) I downloaded this app on my mobile in October but haven't really used it but this week I decided that is it I need to get back on track with my fitness and diet and start melting some lard!! I am disappointed that…