Hula Hoop!!! :D

Hi All

Quick question does anyone have or use a hula hoop on a regular basis? If so what sort of results are you having?

I am thinking of getting one for my abs and thighs.

Thank you for your time. xx


  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    I do know that everytime I do the hula hoop exercise on Wii Fit, the next day my entire body is sore, so it definitely works muscles that arent normally used.

    I would think it's a great mid-section toner
  • WickedGarden
    WickedGarden Posts: 944 Member
    I bought a weighted hula hoop after someone I know said her core got so much stronger after using one.

    I have NOT used my HRM and hoop together...I had a medical procedure done after I bought the hoop, and was told 'no working out for a week' :angry:
    Now I am allowed upper body workouts and go back today to see how I'm doing, I can post back if I can hoop and let you know how much I burn in a session of hooping.

    My hoop is 5 pounds, and after 5 minutes I'm sweating pretty good, and I have been doing P90x for the last 6 weeks,'s gotta do something good right? Loved hooping as a kid...I'm sad I cannot find the kind with the marbles inside anymore (oh dear...I just aged myself there didn't I?)