Kids say the darndest things
So yesterday I was in the exercise room at the gym doing some stretching while waiting for Body Combat to start. A little boy of about 8 or so was in there with his mom (he wasn't suppose to be there but that's another story.) Anyway, as I was doing an overhead stretch, the kid turned around looked at me, did a double take…
Pushups Suck!
Day 3 down and still have completed one pushup! Not even one of the sissy kind!
I hate, hate, hate my CPAP machine but I've been told that I have to use it for 30 prior to my surgery. I cannot seem to get past 3 -3 1/2 hours before I wake up drenched in sweat and yank the mask off. Then I've been told I will need to use it for three months after surgery. (yeah, like that's gonna happen!) I cannot wait…
NSV at work
One of my male co-workers has been away at training for the last two weeks. This morning when he saw me he said "Wow" I can see the difference in you just in the last two weeks. You are really fading away!" Made my morning.
Becoming a reality
I got an e-mail from the clinic today telling me that since I only have one more nutrition class to complete (next Thurs) they are forwarding my file to "the surgeon." I should be getting a call for a consult with him in the next week or so. They have already said that the surgery schedule is booking for the end of…
My least favorite comment
"But you're tall, you can carry it." What are some of your least favorite comments?
Sam's Club NSV
Went to Sam's Club today and didn't try even one sample. Yay for my NSV!!!!
What foods cause you trouble?
I'm still working through the pre-op part of the LB process but I'm starting to get concerned about what I won't be able to eat. What foods cause you trouble?
NSV of the spouse kind
My husband hasn't yet joined me on the MFP journey yet, but today while we were grocery shopping I was talking about how MFP has been showing me how high in sodium some of my food choices are so I was trying to pick things that were lower. At home, as I was unpacking the bags I say that he had put some cans of soup for his…
1st NSV
I went out today to reward myself for my first SV. My plan was get some new costume jewlery but instead while I was walking around Target I stopped in the sporting goods area and found a new exercise DVD so I bought that as my reward instead!:happy:
I'm going to a Diwali festival tonight and I haven't ever eaten much Indian food. What are some of the better (lower calorie) food choices?