Exercise with Kinect?
Hi, I just joined about a week ago and I exercise with my Xbox360 video game, Your Shape Fitness Evolved, it seems to be a good workout, anyone else doing it? and what has your experience been?
Its been one week!
Hi I'm Sherry and I'm delighted to have found this site! I am making progress and I'm eating things I like, I feel that I could really live this way. That's good since they keep telling me that its not a "diet", its a life style change, I think I finally get that idea after 30 something years. I always went for the quick…
Why does my calorie amount increase if I exercise?
Am I supposed to eat the extra calories added to my daily amount? I thought that in order to lose weight you need to stay at the same calorie intake and not increase it? Does it hinder weight loss? How does it work? Can someone please explain this because I don't really get it. Thank you!!