Hey all, i'm worried that my weight loss will be affected when i go to university in September. i imagine uni wil be full of alcohol, takeaways and rubbish, cheap food... has anyone got any tips to help with this? If anyone is interested i am going to University of Lincoln to study adult nursing :) Super excited!! Thanks…
I am no where near the size I wanted to be for my holiday so I have got 2 weeks to do anything! to lose some fat off my belly/thighs... pleaaaase, any advice? i already feel that I eat healthy and I exercise 3-4 times a week for an hour but its just not shifting! Any tips/tricks? Yes I am looking for fast acting, non…
I have pretty good will power. When i want to lose weight, I exercise hard and I eat well..... Me and my partner have a holiday booked in August so i want to look my best, as any other female would. The only thing is, my partner is over weight, he weighs around 280lb so is definately not healthy BUT he has zero will power.…