Hi, I've been here for a while, I've got some older post that are a couple of years old. I'm back though and am really focused on getting in better shape then I've ever been. I hope to accomplish this through running, freeletics and a healthier eating lifestyle. Feel free to follow me on my 15week challenge and beyond!…
Firs time poster here, I said hello in the introduction thread so I won't bore you will all that again. I have 2 scheduled upcoming races, one of which I am a little nervous about because I have been dealing with some ITB issues and I'm hoping that it behaves for me next Saturday! Nov 2 - Vulcan Run 10K - Birmingham, AL…
Ok, so to get started my name is Jimmy. I'm currently 29 years old, married, have one child (3 year old daughter) and two boxers (2.5 and 1 year old). I use to be overweight. I was never considered obese but I was starting to have complications with my health, mainly high blood pressure. I'm sure this stemmed from weight…
I posted a thread the other day introducing myself and giving some pics of myself as I lost weight. Most of the pics were with shirt on and wasn't the pics that I was wanting to add at the time. I finally had time to go through my pics and find the ones I was wanting. I also took some pics tonight because my wife and I…
Hello, My name is Jimmy I have been using MFP on and off for a quite a while now and find it a invaluable tool to my weight loss journey. Back when my wife and I got married (Nov 22 2008) I weight somewhere in the range of 215 and 220. When my daughter was born (Dec 10 2009) I weighed roughly 245. I am 6' 4'' so although I…