I regularly take a flax seed and fish oil vitamin and have begun working in a daily multivitamin as well. However, when I take the multivitamin at the same time as the flaxseed/fish oil, I either dry heave or vomit. After a few days of this, I have learned to take them separately, but can someone please explain this…
Of my 29 grams of allotted daily sugar, all 29 of mine have come from natural sources- 12 from half a banana and 17 from honey (I have tea with honey every morning). As a result, I usually go over on my sugar allowance. My question is, should I be more concerned with counting added sugar rather than natural sugars? Thanks.
Hey All, I could use some friends for support and an exchange of ideas. I have been stuck in a plateau for almost 2 years now and need some fresh ideas and recipes to help me along. A bit about me: I live just steps from Philadelphia, PA. married with 2 kids (12 and 3 yrs old). I enjoy running and yoga 3-4 times a week. I…