Muay Thai instead of Lifting? Both?
So I've always been interested in Muay Thai and I have a good kicking bag that my brother left. You think some at home Muay Thai training will be enough of a work out? Maybe switch between it and lifting? What do you guys think?
Broke College Girl Trying to Get in Shape. Advice?
Hey. I'm 21 years old, 5'4 and weigh 145 lbs. I just started working out on Monday using Weeks 1-4 from: http://www.simplyshredded.com/the-ultimate-female-training-guide.html I have to use some alternatives since I have to workout at home but am adding workouts for Wed and Sat. I'm feeling good so far too. My problem…
Food Recipes Website
So I want to burn fat and I think my moderate workouts are pretty good. My main problem is FOOD. Like my name and my other topics say: I'm broke. Does anyone know of a website(s) that has simple, healthy dishes I can afford to make? Maybe something that has a planner too. Thanks for the help in advance.
Want to Burn Fat. Help!
So my main goal I guess is to burn fat. I have a very basic weight set at home (can't afford a gym), they say building muscle burns fat. And all I eat is microwave and fast food since that's the cheapest and quickest, but at least I can easily keep track of what and how much I eat. So what do I do? Is counting good enough?…
Lose Body Fat! Help!
So I've been working out for a few days (feelin' good) and can start feeling some muscle growing, but I still have fat. I know it'll take longer than a few days to burn fat but this is just like when I was in high school: I was in the best shape out of all the girls and had good muscle but never looked it because of all of…