Want to Burn Fat. Help!

So my main goal I guess is to burn fat.

I have a very basic weight set at home (can't afford a gym), they say building muscle burns fat. And all I eat is microwave and fast food since that's the cheapest and quickest, but at least I can easily keep track of what and how much I eat.

So what do I do?

Is counting good enough? What about workouts?

I just do some basic lifts right now: bench press, DB curls, leg press and extension, etc. Plus I walk a mile everyday but am thinking of running/jogging it pretty soon.

Any advice would be great.


  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    To lose weight, all you need to do is be in a caloric deficit.

    Lifting weights, developing muscle helps with this, because it will require more calories for muscle repair.

    So if all you can do is what you got at home, then do that.
    Main focus should be on caloric deficit, and hitting your macros.
  • ClinicalTrial
    ClinicalTrial Posts: 55 Member
    Losing weight is mostly attributed to calorie expenditure and consumption.

    Body composition (burning fat) is not - what you eat matters. Microwaved and fast foods aren't going to help your composition whatsoever, even if you keep track of how much.

    How you adjust your macro-nutrients matter in terms of optimal results in addition to a deficit in calories. Do it right and don't look for convenience. Convenience is why you got fat.
  • kirkor
    kirkor Posts: 2,530 Member
    >And all I eat is microwave and fast food since that's the cheapest and quickest

    As part of making improved health & fitness a lifestyle change, you need to look at the big picture.
    You can buy plain food & dress it up with spices to satisfy the "cheap" part, and cook in batches/use leftovers to satisfy the "quick" part.