Muay Thai instead of Lifting? Both?

So I've always been interested in Muay Thai and I have a good kicking bag that my brother left.

You think some at home Muay Thai training will be enough of a work out? Maybe switch between it and lifting?

What do you guys think?


  • Climbrgal
    Climbrgal Posts: 1
    Have you ever done Muay Thai before? My classes are 2 hours and are hard core. When I can't go I use a bag st home that I also can get a good work out on. Sometimes I follow some apps and sometimes I follow some you tube where they call out what combos to do. I also mix in plyometeics and skipping.
  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    What are your goals?
  • jimmmer
    jimmmer Posts: 3,515 Member
    You can defo do both, but you may want to lift twice a week and schedule your MT so that you can recover adequately.

    ETA: you are going to teach yourself MT? You might be better getting proper instruction...
  • SrMaggalicious
    SrMaggalicious Posts: 495 Member
    both. Muay Thai is're going to feel DOMS in muscles you never knew existed...Both are great...Muay Thai will add a cardio flavor to your workouts. The weight training will strengthen your kicks and punches.
  • GetSoda
    GetSoda Posts: 1,267 Member
    Muay thai killed my lifting.mainly due to overuse issues and having my body battered.

    Going for a pr on squats after taking heavy bombs on your quads....

    Without sparring though it wasnt bad. If you are self teaching you niss out on thr most important parts. Like the clinch.

    I think focusing on muay Thai while lifting 2x a week alternate days would work.
  • Lofteren
    Lofteren Posts: 960 Member
    I've been training muay thai on my days off of lifting. Muay thai training is tiring and burns a lot of calories but it doesn't seem to take up a chunk of my recovery ability like lifting does. In fact, I have been gaining strength faster since I added it to my schedule so I believe that it is facilitating recovery from the days that I lift. I lift 4 days a week and do muay thai the other three. I usually begin by jumping rope, then doing some footwork drills, practicing technique and then doing 10 rounds on the heavy bag with alternating focus. I'll focus on speed for one round, footwork and head movement the next, power the next, etc.... The last few rounds I'm usually just flailing my arms and legs at the bag wildly because I'm so wiped out.
  • WhoDat5o4
    WhoDat5o4 Posts: 50 Member
    Looks like I'm late to the party but my two cents: I love both MT and lifting heavy. MT coach suggested I lift lighter with more reps after coming in too sore to kick due to blasting my legs with weights. i didn't like that idea so I've learned to time my workouts to give myself adequate recovery time. I do two hardcore MT sessions Tues and Thurs for 90 minutes each session and i cluster my weightlifting days: on Fri (legs b'c for me they take the longest to recover), Sat (chest, tris, shoulders), and Sun (back and biceps) with abs everyday. Mon and Wed I'm either off or doing a light swim to help push the lactic acid out/ improve mobility.