Hi all- On Valentine's Day of this year, I decided I wanted to be one of those people who get better with age - and for the first time ever, truly applied all of me to getting *fit.* I used to focus on losing weight - and then I finally realized, that's not working for me. So, I threw the scale away for a very long time,…
Does anybody have any experience with this type of knowledge and eating plans? I think I would be categorized as a fast oxidizer but I'm just wondering if this is another nutrition fad or if there is actual evidence that planning your diet based on your categorization here really works.... Thoughts?
I'm a young mom of 3 and I've been battling the last 30 pounds of baby weight for almost 3 years now. I go on these exercise spurts and eat well but I never see more than a few pounds (under 5) come off. Then I get frustrated and don't stick to the plan. I know that eating habits are more important than hard exercise (IF…
Hi, I'm not necessarily new to this site - I have just never reached out to others. I'm wondering if anybody out there has any experience/ advice for how to start running when you have asthma. I've tried this many times - I've gone on the treadmill and can't really run for more than 60 seconds (and that's a challenge!).…