What is the name of the blog...
That has probably been mentioned here a billion and one times. It's about a girl who lost a ton of weight, felt crappy, started lifting, put on some weight and feels great. I think the site is something like bodynerd or liftingnerd or something like that. :embarassed:
At home exercise and diet suggestions...
For belly fat/toning stomach. I am basically at my goal weight, having lost about 30 pounds an ad 4-5 pant sizes. My stomach is still fatty and protuding, though it has gone down a lot. I want to start focusing on losing that and toning. What foods should I eat and what should I avoid? What at-home exercises can I do too?
Looking for a very basic chicken breast recipe
I am looking for a very simple recipe to make juicy, tender chicken breast that I can cut up, save and use for other recipes. I am used to eating drumsticks so any help would be appreciated!
Very Inspiring Story: Staying Sober through Sport
http://www.cnn.com/2012/02/09/living/cnnheroes-strode-phoenix/index.html?hpt=hp_t3 :smile:
Cardio & Strength Workout Videos/Routines Online
I looked at BodyRockTv a little this morning but that seems a bit advanced for my abilities right now. What other sites host exercise videos? I did 10 minute toning this morning for 30 minutes (legs, arms, abs). Looking for things to do on the days when I can't get to the gym. Also, if you could direct me to a site that…
Questions about exercising abs & diastasis recti
I just read another thread about diastasis recti in women who've had babies. I have two boys who are not babies anymore! They are five and eight. However, I'm positive that diastasis recti is why my belly is so "floppy" aside from the fatness of it. I've been doing Jillian Michaels 30DS, elliptical a few times per week and…