Sharing a gorgeous delicious recipe for anyone with a surplus adn a taste for beetroot.: Helathy Beetroot fritters Grate 2 beetroot in to a bowl - use a mandolin if you have one to make matchstick type pieces rather than very fine ones. Beat together one egg, seasoning, and a tablespoon of self raising flower. Mix with…
can anyone tell me how to add foods to favourites so I dont have to search regular items every time I add them, to log?
All my life I have had a monstrous appetite and get grumpy when hungry and stressed if I don't get regular meals. For two months I have been adding chai to my porridge and my appetite is totally under control. No more light headed ness and grumpiness as I basically don't feel that hungry as long as I have my three meals a…
Has anyone tried one of these - I am thinking it would be a good tool to take my jogging/wogging/running!! to the next level.