I want to go change my meal titles. Right now i have times for my meals but i want to go to it saying breakfast lunch, dinner and snacks. How do I do this?
okay so need some ideas for dinner. I won't be going home so it will be eating on the run and very short time so probably need to be drive through and I have 400-500 calories left to eat. Would love some input please
Okay so I am not much of a cook but learning how to cook healthy, I want to make some fish, probably tiliapa. I got a George Foreman Grill from my dad but it came with no instructions. Anyhow I am wondering if anyone has any good receipes and what degree do you use for the Foreman and how long?
Ok well I have heard the term clean eating, and it has grabbed my interest. What is it exactly? How does one begin? Is it expensive and how do you get the family aboard? I cant stand the thought of making separate meals. I have to do something different to feel better and have more energy. I am being treated for…
I was wondering how often should you weigh in once a week or every day? Any suggestions?
Hi I'm 41 yrs old and I just joined, I am desperate. I am 213 pounds and I am overweight and unhealthy. I have prediabties and high cholestral with extremely high tryglcerides, at one point my cholestral was 543 and tryglcerides were almost 5,000, and no that is not a misprint. I am on medication to try to get it under…