Keto/ low carb recipes
What is everyone’s favorite Low carb or keto friendly recipes, snacks?
Food delivery services
This question is for my brother. He was recently put on a gluten free diet, no he doesn’t have a gluten allergy. His physical therapist is wanting to try this diet for a month to see if it brings down the inflammation in the body. My brother does not cook and his go to is grabbing a microwave dinner or making a sandwich.…
Dehydrated food
Just got a dehydrator for jerky. Any suggestions or tips? What else have you dehydrated? Any nutritional benefit to dehydrated food?
Fod diet...Etc
My hubby was recently put on the Fod diet as well as Lactose free and gluten free diet. This diet is to last for the next 6 weeks. I'm going on the diet as well just to make cooking and grocery shopping easier. I need some snack ideas and some easy go to options? Thanks
Blended fruit
One of my co-workers said that when you blend the fruit in a smoothie you have destroyed the nutrition and all you have is sugar. How true is this?
What's in your morning smoothies? Mine has 1 cup frozen triple berries, 1 tablespoon peanut butter, 1 banana, 1/2 cup coconut water, 1 cup water and 1 scoop garden of life green super food. I divide it with the hubby and that is our breakfast on the way to work.
Recently tried a detox lemon tea...mostly because I was buying hot tea for mom's visit and she wanted lemon. I found that I liked the teas and was curious what other teas you have tried and what health benefits you have found.
Grab and go Breakfast
I'm not a morning person, so I grab my breakfast on the go and eat or drink it in the car. Currenly I'm making shakes the night before and drink them on the way to work. So what is everyone's favorite grab and go breakfast?
make ahead shakes
I'm not a morning person, but I have to be one for work. So I constantly see myself running out the door and not eating breakfast or grabbing something not so healthy for breakfast. My work is next door to a donut shop. My question is about the meal replacement shakes or the mason jar shakes. I tried the garden of life…
Apple cider vinegar
I read online (I know a very dangerous thing to do) but I saw that it had many health benefits including higher energy and relief from allergies. Just curious who actually drinks this and if you noticed any improvements? I'm not wanting a miracle elixir, I'm looking for something natural to help with allergy relief and…
Joint Supplements
I'm looking for a joint supplement, what brands do u recommend? I have a hard time remembering to take pills so once a day dosing would be preferred :)
fitness watches
I'm looking for a heart rate/calorie counter watch. I mostly do cardio and some strength training. I'm also a cyclist. I might be wearing it some at work so something durable is needed. I work as a vet tech so the watch will have to be able to take a beating. I'm looking at polar watches. Any opinions, model and brand…
So Halloween is around the corner and was wondering what everyone's favorite Halloween candy is? I love Kit Kat and those black and orange wrapped candy. :happy:
training for my first Tour
Started training for my first Tour which is in Nov. I rode 10 miles Friday all hill country. I'm off to a great start and the 30 miles is looking more attainable. It is amazing the difference the road bike makes vs my hybrid. I was able to actually keep up with the hubby :bigsmile: He was impressed. Anyone else training…
Bike tours
My husband has done the livestrong ride. I have just started riding with him and I am working up to a 30 mile tour in November. Depending on how that tour goes we will be sighing up for more. I was wondering if anyone can recommend any good tours?
Wii games
I just got a wii and was curious what fitness games are recommended besides wii fit plus. The fit plus seem a little pricey for me at this time with the balance board. Do you have to have the balance board?