I was wondering if there was anyone else out there using MFP who is currently journeying with either food allergies or food sensitivies/intolerances. My baby boy has food allergies, my five year old and I are on a supervised elimination diet to determine what foods we have sensitivities/intolerances to and how much and how…
I'm in a better head space than my last post and somewhat feel like everything is parked in its own little box, eg I'm feeling better because I actually weighed myself this morning, I logged onto the site, I walked up and down the driveway whilst on the phone to my son's dietitian for his follow up appointment and now my…
not really sure where my head is at at the moment. It has been a couple of stressful days and I'm not really sure what I have and haven't done - children excluded I know that I have kept them well fed, looked after and all the things around the house that I had decided needed to be done but as far as things for me.... well…
my last few weeks have been all over the place. We have just moved our family 4-5 hours to another town, we have been here now almost a week. So as you can imagine diet and plans all go out the window when you are trying to pack up a house, still run the kitchen and organise the family; then move and unpack, run the…
I came across the myfitnesspal mobile app be accident really and realised that it had the key functions of what I really liked and found useful 5 years a go when I went on the Biggest Loser Online Club to shed the kilos after my first born (which worked sensationally) but this time round the money isn't available for the…