off track and somewhat overwhelmed

my last few weeks have been all over the place. We have just moved our family 4-5 hours to another town, we have been here now almost a week. So as you can imagine diet and plans all go out the window when you are trying to pack up a house, still run the kitchen and organise the family; then move and unpack, run the kitchen and reorganise the family.

If that was only the case I would be the first to smack me upside the head and tell myself to get up and over it but to add to the mix my youngest has food allergies, asthma and eczema which worsens deepending on his food, environment, weather etc. My eldest and I are on supervised elimination diets to help us determine what foods are causing our issues and how much of each we can eat and how often as well as things that we simply just can't eat.
We are also trying to organise our eldest into a primary school..... I know I know anone can have a list that goes on like this but the weight of the elimination diets, allergies and intolerances is so heavy. And the worst is hardly anyone knows what you are on about and most aren't supportive, they try but they just don't see anything other than the idea that what I am doing is absurd!!

I desparately want to be eating healthily, exercising and I want to loose the 22kg that has been bringing me down but I feel like I can't do anything other than fret and fuss over everything else that is going on...

despite my verbal vomitting just now I do believe I will be ok, I just had to do something other than have this conversation played over and over and over in my head.

If you 'listened' through this, thank you


  • atabt
    atabt Posts: 58 Member
    Hang in there! You definitely have your work cut out for you, but you have a very supportive community here that will help you along the way. Best of luck on your journey! Add me if you like. Cheers!
  • dls06
    dls06 Posts: 6,774 Member
    Take a breath. You can do this. One step at a time so you will not feel overwhelmed. Start with better choices at the market. Log on everyday and ask if you have any questions. :flowerforyou:
  • Sharni_19
    Thanks, have walked off a little of it, hung out the washing and now am trying to make my way through the paperwork for enrolling our eldest :smile:

    I hope I have gotten the ticker thingy to work:

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • tattiegirl
    Dealing with the stress of a move, and issues with kids can be enough to send a mom over the edge...I speak that sentence from experience!!
    Even in the most stressful parts of your day, remind yourself of one of my favorite sayings, "If Mama ain't one is happy!". Do a little somethiing just for you...even for just 5 minutes :). Find a quiet place. Do something that is JUST for, do a little exercise, whatever brings you a little peace. Everyone in the house benefits when Mommy is not as stressed, so don't feel like you are taking time away from all the things you HAVE to do. Spending a few minutes on yourself IS something you HAVE to you are ready to face the day as it arrives and help your kids.
    Oh...and don't let ANYONE make you feel like what you are doing for your child is absurd. People can be so thoughtless. Congratulations on being a great mom, who is searching for anwsers.
    Good luck!
  • crazybeautifulkittie
    Some people can be callous jerks. Don't let them get you down. You are working to make things work. Stick in there. You've got it.