Introduction and Motivation
I am a single woman living in the Central Florida/Orlando area. I am looking to become a healthier and more fit me without spending lot of money on gym membership fees and personal trainers. I am not a physical trainer. I am not a nutrition specialist. My only goal in forming this group is to provide a support network for…
Greetings and Welcome to Obese Orlando:
Greetings and Welcome to Obese Orlando: :smile: My name is Kristen. I am the forum's founder, administrator, and moderator. Can introduce yourself under a new topic as we would very much like to know about you? Please, tell us what it is that you intend to get from our on-line group; and to state where in Central Florida…
When is the best time to excerise?
There are no two people who are in possession of the same exact schedule of activities and responsibilities. Therefore there are no two people who are in possession of the same workout/excerise time. My question to you is as follows: Considering your busy schedule, and all of your responsiblities, when do you find it most…
That BIG voice and thoughts of self doubt
Yesterday afternoon I went for a two hour. Approximently one hour into my walk my body started to feeling sluggish and this little voice started to tell me that I couldn't walk another step, that it was too much work, and speaking other words of doubt to me. I am sure that many of you are familiar with that little voice…