I have been fairly successful in my weight loss efforts and was doing a shift in a facility that I occasion only rarely. Some of my co-workers were commenting on how great I looked and a small huddle came up to me and asked in hush tones what my secret was. Was I doing Hootia or "super fat burner slim oxy pill", etc. I…
So I am now 44 pounds down and 10 from goal. Actually, I would be happy to stay right here! Here is my progress pic from today. I liked it enough to change my profile image. If an old previously fat guy like me can do it, SO CAN YOU!
Here are some pics from when I was down 30 lbs. Still have a ways to go but thought I would share my success: @ 236 @205 Side views same weights @236 @205
For those of you who, like me, are new comers to the weight loss boards. This acronym has been baffling me since I first saw it. :embarassed: . I finally found a definition and thought I would share with the other abbreviationally challenged forum members!
I have been very sedentary and let myself go; but, I have decided to turn over a new leaf and get back down to "fighting weight" Love the iPhone app for tracking everything and feel it will be a great motivator to keep on my plan. I amshooting for 1200 to 1500 Kcals and low carb as I find it keeps me from craving evile…